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Bethesda Church and Cemetery - Real Haunt in Morristown TN

  • 4990 Bethesda Road
  • Morristown, TN
  • (423) 586-6382
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Rumor has it that spirits of restless Confederate soldiers can be seen inside and outside the church. They have reportedly been aggressive towards visitors to the cemetery. The apparition of a crying woman has been seen on the far side of the cemetery. You can often hear her crying late at night.
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  • Soilder encounter experience

    When I was younger my dad drove right in it barely to turn around but sat there for a min we sat near some building maybe the church? And the doors and windows opened we heard footsteps approaching the car my dad quickly apologized for coming and said we didn’t mean no harm and we drove away

    Posted 9/23/24

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  • Bells

    I’m a local and recently decided to pay a visit to Bethesda. I have some family buried there and used it as a reason to explore. Many of the graves are very old and some have fallen over or broken, so they are inside fences. The entire time we were there, we heard bells ringing. The longer we stayed, the closer they seem to have gotten. We also heard what sounded like an army of footsteps or maybe drums coming from the church. It was over all a creepy experience, all though we didn’t see any ghosts. But, the entire time I was there I had a feeling that I needed to leave. And as the bells got louder, the feeling got stronger. I would recommend you visit Bethesda if you are in the area, just be respectful, as some people still visit family members here. Even if you don’t experience anything supernatural, the different graves there are very interesting to read and look at!

    Posted 8/11/24

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  • 17 years

    My mother has owned and lived across the street from the entrance for 17 years . They have re enactements there of the war . And to the you tuber above yes there is a white church and yes there is also a brown brick old building to that was used as the hospital so both are there. But out of all my years living right across the street I've seen people come and ghost hunt and film but I've never heard or seen anything there . The witch's grave is about all I've seen there thats been said. Not saying it's not real just I've never seen anything.

    Posted 1/13/23

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  • Went for YouTube video

    So my YouTube channel is (the george parker show) we went out here at about 12:00am we heard what sounded like gunshots and cannons being it was right after Fourth of July I figured people were shooting but it seemed like each time we herd it it was closer and question in the pics it shows a white church I know for fact yesterday when we went it was a brown brick church I even have pics on the video on my channel to prove that also it always felt like someone was watching you and some places gave u vibes my iPhone13 pro max camera started acting up and has never done that b4

    Posted 7/10/22

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  • 2:30-3:00 am

    Me and my fiancé and friend went out tonight searching for scary places. We didn’t see or hear anything here but when leaving I saw and old lady crouched down and crying and estrone else thought I was crazy. She literally disappeared after I said “im not moving til I don’t see her anymore”

    Posted 5/2/21

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  • Super Creepy!

    As a video creator on YouTube, I have been to this cemetery multiple times. The last time was about a month ago at night. I have seen and heard some weird things going on around me. The neighbors don't like people in there after dark, they will call the cops. In the 2 videos I filmed, one was in the day and the other was at night. Ghost Radio picked up some crazy stuff from friendly to even demonic. here is the link for the night video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is0n-a8u-U0. Here is the link to the day video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZZs-28jPew. Hope you all enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!

    Posted 5/29/19

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  • My mother

    My mother and grandfather used to mow the cementary many years ago. They would tell stories of laterns circling thru the bushes and trees of cementary. My mother said also at night you can hear a cannon go off towards the church and then hear screams like in a war. Sadly my mother passed 3 years ago but I wanted to share her experience because so many people told her she was just crazy.

    Posted 10/26/18

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Last edit to this listing: 6/23/2016 (3203 days ago)

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